The dancers held a car wash on September 10th to raise funds for the annual dues for NHSDA (National Honor Society for Dance Arts) year. Dancers receive recognition on their college application and are eligible for nomination, by the Chapter Sponsor, to receive the NDEO Artistic Merit, Leadership, and Academic Achievement Award. We have had 3 dancers place at the national level for this award! NHSDA is the dancer’s honor society and a good way for dancers to receive recognition for their hard work in dance. We want to thank Mr. Bill Tyler and Chick-Fil-A in Greer for hosting the event.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
The dancers held a car wash on September 10th to raise funds for the annual dues for NHSDA (National Honor Society for Dance Arts) year. Dancers receive recognition on their college application and are eligible for nomination, by the Chapter Sponsor, to receive the NDEO Artistic Merit, Leadership, and Academic Achievement Award. We have had 3 dancers place at the national level for this award! NHSDA is the dancer’s honor society and a good way for dancers to receive recognition for their hard work in dance. We want to thank Mr. Bill Tyler and Chick-Fil-A in Greer for hosting the event.