The FAC dancers held an NHSDA Induction ceremony for the newest members into the National Honor Society for Dance Arts: Gianni Monteleon, Brooke Poole and Katelyn Scherer. Ashley Brown earned 1 star, Lauren Miller earned 2 stars, Maggie Base earned 3 stars and Amanda Porter earned 4 stars. Students must earn 30 points in dance related events to become members and may earn a star for each additional 10 points.
Lauren Miller (Dance) has won the prestigious honor of the SCDEO (South Carolina Dance Education Organization) Artistic Merit, Leadership, and Academic Achievement Award at the state level. Her application will now go on to the national level for the NDEO Award. Amanda Porter received the state honor last year. Dancers who are members of NHSDA and are a junior or senior may apply for the award. Information is handed out to students at the beginning of the year so that they can make plans to apply for the award.
Lauren Miller (Dance) has won the prestigious honor of the SCDEO (South Carolina Dance Education Organization) Artistic Merit, Leadership, and Academic Achievement Award at the state level. Her application will now go on to the national level for the NDEO Award. Amanda Porter received the state honor last year. Dancers who are members of NHSDA and are a junior or senior may apply for the award. Information is handed out to students at the beginning of the year so that they can make plans to apply for the award.